Hello I'm Sarang, the person behind Vivid Vignettes.
Welcome to my space where I delve into profound musings and everyday revelations! Here, I'll be exploring a spectrum of topics, from blogs imbued with the essence of philosophy to how spirituality shaping the human nature. Next I have my box of Good Notes here, in which I'll be storing all my random thoughts and some are borrowed from others. And lastly the 11:11, where I've my most visually enchanting online discoveries which I've gathered over the years.
Here's a quick 7 second rundown of random trivia about me:
Native of Maharashtra, India
Favorite piece of music: Mystery of Love, by Sufjan Stevens
Favorite book: Make Time, by Jake Knapp and John Zeratsky
Application I use most: X
Word I have the most positive connotations with: whimsy!
I thoroughly enjoy discussion and I welcome all feedback – especially if it’s negative. I also delight in making new friends. Please ping me if you have any suggestions, or even if you just want to say hello!